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Meet the team

Lorenzo Sandini

As a practising endocrinologist/diabetologist, I was somewhat disappointed by the lack of modern teaching/training tools for healthcare practitioners in the field of insulin replacement in diabetes care. I looked around for available "serious games" about type I diabetes. Having found nothing usable, I decided to teach myself the basics of Javascript programming and wrote a basic version of what would become the current CGMSIM v.3.  
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Nicola Febbrari

Even though a training simulator will never replace a patient's real experience with insulin treatment, learning by doing is more likely to provide some insights to the difficulty of the task. I decided to provide my professional programming expertise to this project, hoping that healthcare providers will have a better understanding of diabetes treatment, as well as a pleasant experience with this simulator.  
View on Github  

Contact us !

There are quite a few good reasons to contact us:

Development ideas

The physical activity model is very empiric and needs improvements and validation

Add the effect of glucocorticoids

Suggest new features, report bugs 😉

Planning a study of the impact of CGMSIM as a teaching tool ?

The source code of the cgmsim-lib must be released !

Found a bug in the source code of the lib ?

Coffee ... ☕

This project was not funded in any way and was written completely during our free time. It required quite some coffee, working late at night.

During the initial testing phase, there were substantial costs for hosting the main website, and numerous Nightscout instances. We reduced these costs to the minimum, but some developer licences are required for producing and distributing the mobile app, registering the domain names, etc...

Click the Paypal "Donate" button above to support my work, if you feel it was worth the effort. All donations will be used strictly for maintaining this project (and occasional coffee).

Alternatively consider making a donation to Tidepool, the Nightscout Foundation, the JDRF or any charitable organisation of your choice !
